Legal NoticeTC Energy may revise and update this Legal Notice at anytime and without notice. You are cautioned to review the Legal Notice posted at this web site periodically. Your continued usage of the web site will constitute a deemed acceptance of those changes. TC Energy maintains this Internet site as a service to its customers and the internet community. TC Energy will use reasonable efforts to include accurate, relevant and up to date information. However, TC Energy does not warrant or make any representations or claims as to the validity, correctness, currency or otherwise of the information (including any software, text or graphics) provided at this site, or at any links to external sites, including warranties of merchantability, non-infringement of intellectual property rights, third party rights, title, latent defects, uninterrupted service, fitness for any particular purpose or freedom from computer viruses. In no event shall TC Energy be liable or responsible for any claim, losses or damage, whether direct, special, indirect, moral or consequential, loss of profits or opportunities or legal expenses arising out of the interpretation, reliance upon or other use, authorized or unauthorized, of such information even if TC Energy is advised of the possibility of such damages, losses or expenses. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above exclusion may not apply to you. Information may be changed or updated without notice. Any decisions or actions based on information contained in this site or any other sites linked to this one, are the sole responsibility of the visitor. None of the materials contained in this site constitutes an offering of securities by TC Energy or any of its affiliated companies or partnerships in any jurisdiction. Continuous disclosure documents, such as the Annual and Quarterly Reports, constitute disclosure required under the corporate and securities laws of those jurisdictions applicable to TC Energy. TC Energy makes no commitment and disclaims any duty to update those documents and materials. Any visitor to this site providing information (including feedback data, questions, comments or suggestions) to TC Energy agrees that TC Energy shall have no obligation of any kind with respect to such information and shall be free to reproduce, use, disclose and distribute the information to others without limitation. Further, TC Energy shall be free to use any ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques contained in such information for any purpose whatsoever including but not limited to developing, manufacturing and marketing products incorporating such information. Such information as provided by the visitor shall be deemed to be non-confidential. Any information you send to must be truthful, legal and not violate the rights of others.